Board Documentation
Fifth Board Meeting
14 December 2023
Under the leadership of Dr. Christoph Benn, I-DAIR's Board Chair, I-DAIR’s Board approved the budget, congratulated the team for the tremendous efforts and accomplishments of the past months, and welcomed the implementation plan.
Fourth Board Meeting
14-15 September 2023
Under the leadership of Dr. Christoph Benn, I-DAIR's Board Chair, I-DAIR’s Board received updates from the CEO on the new organizational strategy. In addition, a Vice Chair was elected and a new Board Member was welcomed.
Third Board Meeting
14 July 2023
Under the leadership of Dr. Christoph Benn, I-DAIR's Board Chair, I-DAIR’s Board received updates from the CEO on his first 50 days, and discussed a number of topics including Swiss registration and the establishment of the Finance & Audit Committee.
Agenda of the third I-DAIR Board Meeting (14 July 2023).
ITEM #2 | Report from the 27-28 February 2023 Board Meeting
ITEM #3 | Board Leadership
ITEM #4.1 | Establishment of the Finance & Audit Committee
ITEM #4.1 | Terms of Reference for the Finance & Audit Committee
Item #5 | Update on the Commercial Registry of I-DAIR
Second Board Meeting
27-28 February 2023
Under the leadership of Dr. Christoph Benn, I-DAIR's Board Chair, the two-day event welcomed three new Board Members and appointed I-DAIR’s new CEO. The Board was updated on the latest developments within I-DAIR, including the organisation's move to become an independent legal entity in Switzerland.
Agenda of the second I-DAIR Board Meeting (27-28 February 2023).
Report from the 2-3 September 2022 Board Meeting
ITEM #7 | Board Composition
ITEM #8 | Finance & Audit Committee
ITEM #9 | CEO Report to the Board
ITEM #10.1 | Institutional Update
ITEM #10.2 | Financial Update
1-2 September 2022
Under the leadership of Dr. Christoph Benn, I-DAIR's inaugural Board Chair, the two-day event gathered the first members of the I-DAIR Board to discuss I-DAIR’s strategy, governance and finances. Most importantly, it approved the bylaws for I-DAIR’s upcoming registration as a new legal entity under Swiss law and launched the search for I-DAIR’s next CEO.
Inagural Board Meeting
Agenda of the inaugural I-DAIR Board Meeting held 1-2 September 2022
Organizational Bylaws as approved during the inaugural Board meeting
CEO Report (2022-2023) presented by Dr. Mehdi Snène
Presentation of I-DAIR’s financial update
ITEM #8 | Draft resource mobilization action plan for I-DAIR (2022-2023)
ITEM #5.2 | Terms of Reference for the Chair of the I-DAIR Board
ITEM #10.1 | Chief Executive Officer recruitment process
ITEM #10.2 | Job description for the I-DAIR CEO
ITEM #11 | Salary scale
ITEM #11.2 | Travel policy for Board members, other bodies, and the Secretariat
ITEM #6.1 | Legal status update and next steps