Our Impact

HealthAI will contribute to improved health and well-being outcomes for all in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals.

  • A woman doctor and a patient talking by a radiology device

    Increased Access to Safe, High-Quality, Effective, and Equitable AI Solutions.

    • Ensure AI solutions are safe for use, comply with quality standards, and effectively deliver their intended health outcome or system improvement.

    • Provide information on market access authorization and reimbursement processes.

    • Support an early-warning mechanism to alert countries of adverse events.

    • Streamline information sharing between countries to propagate the availability of proven Responsible AI solutions.

  • A picture of Buenos Aires

    Increased Government Revenue From Regulatory Activities.

    • Generate new sources of revenue for regulatory agencies and government budgets to allow for sustained funding for the regulatory mechanisms and additional investment capacity.

    • Accelerate approval processes across countries, leading to cost savings and bureaucratic streamlining.

  • A plant growing

    Increased Trust, Investment, and Innovation in Responsible AI Solutions for Health.

    • Protect national data sovereignty and ensure that all real-world data is collected, shared, and used under regulatory rules and through approved data centers-

    • Ensure compliance with internationally defined Responsible AI standards.

    • Support validation processes that account for the usage of real-world data and enable feedback from civil society;

    • Foster an ecosystem that promotes investment in the research, development, and adoption of Responsible AI solutions for health.